What is an immune-centric approach to health and fitness?
An immune-centric approach to health focuses on what is most important and directs your “To-Do list” to impact the things that control our body’s most important functions so you can have better aging, health and body composition.
An immune-centric approach to health is not traditionally taught amongst health, weight loss and fitness advisors. This is an updated understanding of how to control immune mechanisms to enter into many of the same health profiles as the leanest, longest lived and healthiest humans. It is a hyper-realistic view on how these machines we call the human body respond to exercise, food, supplements, stress and rest. The practice uses a variety of techniques to accomplish this in your own body. It utilizes the understanding how immunity works and how to control it for fat loss, health, anti-aging, disease prevention and mitigation. Personally I use it as a foundation for maintaining my body composition year round.
Inflammation and the Immune-Centric approach
Your body undergoes accelerated aging that is perpetrated by signals from immune cells responding to cellular waste products. As you age, metabolic byproducts, “junk and toxins” accumulate in your cells. An immune centric approach drives populations of immune cells away from inflammation and aging. While not an immune-centric approach, I like to combine detoxification of environmental xenobiotics (foreign and toxic substances) with the immune-centric approach to keep my cells running efficiently. When cells are running efficiently, you may find you need less food for energy as I’ve found. When your cells are happily running smoothly they are not demanding more nutrients. This also helps the aging process because the insulin response from food also drives aging via cell-cycle progression.
Fat cells and the Immune-Centric Approach
Healthy fat in the body is composed of certain immune cell ratios. If fat is inflamed with immune cells then it is unhealthy and losing fat becomes difficult as immune cells protect the fat cells.
Gut bacteria and the Immune-Centric Approach
Enterotype is a word used to define groupings or a mixture of species in an individual’s gut bacteria. Healthy individuals share similar enterotypes. The immune-centric approach seeks to change gut bacteria species to affect energy, craving and fat metabolism.
Genes and the Immune-Centric Approach
The Immune-Centric approach to genes focuses on utilizing immune signals to switch on genes (epigenetics) found in the leanest, healthiest and longest lived humans.
In summary, the Immune-Centric approach to health utilizes the understanding that the “state” of our immune-system wields vast control over our physiology. Thus, it targets the immune-system as a point of interest and seeks to assist it to more easily achieve peak human physiology.